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Owner, "MAP Wellness" - a culinary nutrition and wellness company. Writer. Passionate cook, raw food chef, reiki practitioner, yoga teacher, and LIVE WELL educator. ​do yoga. enjoy good food. run. plant food. cook. savour wine. read books. buy good food. love. grow your energy. find peace. enjoy food. have passion. skip. eat food. do yoga. listen to jazz. have presence. be present. bike. read. see. hear. be. live. love.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Grand Predictions!

The universe appears to be on my side today!  And if all that is written in my stars happens to come true, than today, my friends, is going to be a gooood day.  I'm just sayin. 

Each morning, I have two separate and usually very different horoscope forecasts sent my way via email.  Today, here is what they had to say:

Scorpio- Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The stars will bestow you with all the energy you need to further your goals and plans. The waxing Moon will help you burst through whatever restrictions have been holding you back. A certain degree of upheaval is involved, but you won’t mind that a bit once you get a whiff of the success that awaits you.

Your horoscope for May 2, 2012 
 If you've been working toward manifesting extra money in your life, meg, today you'll probably see it happen. Your inner powers of mind-over-matter are given a special impetus by copious physical and emotional energy, and you might just see the results you've wanted in finance and in other matters as well. Business and career interests should also be going well, as could any personal projects of your own. Keep up the good work!

Not too shabby I'd say.  And it just so happens, I have a few exciting things in the works right now, and extra cash, energy and willpower are just what this gal needs! 

Oh, and sort of in the same realm of life shifts and change, I thought I'd share a picture.  As it is it clear, I am all about "putting it out there" these days; telling my personal stories has really helped me move on from a lot of crap in my life.  So here is an image of a moment that will forever be etched in my mind:

At a recent Gabrielle Bernstein lecture, I volunteered to admit my "burning desire" for change and fear release in my life...This is me exposing my secret to hundreds of strangers. On a mic.  Delightful.

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