“Single is not a status. It is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others.”
Inspiration can be found anywhere. This week was one of those weeks in which my scattered focus almost left me drained. However, it only took a few deep breathes, and several big jugs of green juice smoothie (with Maca!) to keep me in line and on target. Along the way, I also kept coming across various words, ideas, and images that really inspired, and also guided me to reflect.
The above quote was one I came across on a blog about being happily single, and it resonated. I have been single for a huge portion of my adult life, but I can say with honesty that I was never really strong and single until this most recent stretch (post failed-engagement I suppose). I think there have been a lot of variables at play in the last few years, (obviously with all that has gone on!) but I am actually really okay with it being just me. I have always been really independent in most areas; I have lived solo since age 22 in Toronto, enjoy my alone time, can hold my own when it comes to home repairs, car issues, and just getting by every day (my finances? well that's another story). But it was not until recently that I really felt happy to be single. I am actually thrilled to be free to do all the wonderful things I want to do, on my schedule, in my own time, with no one questioning any of it. I feel love now more for myself than ever, but I also feel myself giving out love to others more freely as well. Not the same romantic love you give and receive in a "coupled" relationship, but love none the less. And it's because I am content enough to be able to let down some of the protective walls I had built up, and allow others in; friends, co-workers, strangers...
This is not to say that I am not open to romantic love. No, quite the opposite. I think that now that I have established a wholeness on my own, I am more ready than ever for intimacy; when the timing is right, and the right person rolls along...
But I'm vibing on where I am now. It's neat, feels good, and makes my life a happier place to be, single or not. It's just a groovy way to live.
This is not to say that I am not open to romantic love. No, quite the opposite. I think that now that I have established a wholeness on my own, I am more ready than ever for intimacy; when the timing is right, and the right person rolls along...
But I'm vibing on where I am now. It's neat, feels good, and makes my life a happier place to be, single or not. It's just a groovy way to live.
I came across this article by Jack Norris, RD, in which he briefly discusses the prevalence of disordered eating and various restrictive food diets (ie. veganism). He states that recent studies have found that semi-vegetarians scored higher on restrictive eating behavior tests, but that vegetarians did not show signs of disordered eating. Further, the researchers stated that the vegans had the most healthy scores, healthier even than omnivores, and even wondered if becoming vegan “could actually serve as a protective factor against developing disordered eating.”
I don't know why this made me feel so happy to read, but I suppose it helped to quiet that part of my mind that still constantly worries about my food decisions, and whether I am being too strict with my eating; if I am crossing that very fine line...anyway, I thought it a neat-o read.
Next up, was a blog I found on the Huffington Post Canada website. Here's an excerpt:
Yet I never forget. I am always alert and vigilant because I know I can never be entirely safe from myself. Sometimes -- and this can happen; beware all of you out there who have gone through similar situations, or who have loved ones who have done so -- you slip. A treacherous crack opens inside you, inside your soul. The void gapes through. When this moment may arrive, is unknown. If you are going through a rough period you may be tempted to fall back into old habits. So you have to deal with it, decisively.
But I have done so -- and I have won! My mother, my yaya and I won that night when I ate the bun: the three of us. In Greek, the word for winning is "Nike." In our mythology, she is a woman -- and boy, is she gorgeous! Radiant, full of curves, and "normal." (Cindy Sherman even made her pregnant in a statue now showing at MoMa.) Yet there is nothing "normal" about her: Nike is a goddess. Like every woman: endowed with the power to overcome anything.
Just another great read for the simple reason that it is yet another writer putting it all out there. In this case, the author is a recovered anorexic, and she, just like me, is well aware that it doesn't take much to relapse if you are not constantly conscious. I am loving that there have been so many open, honest, and raw articles published recently about eating disorders, and how they not only affect the individual suffering, but also the impact on family and friends. It is a shame that society was silent so long on the subject; I know first hand how tough it was to open my own mouth and talk candidly about my ordeal. But with every shared story I learn. With every honest admittance I grow. With every relate-able detail, I am able to move forward and further away from my past with ED, and I think if we keep the momentum up, we can start turning things around, ditch the stigma, and save lives. Let's keep it up!!!
Okay, so enough of my quoting from the internets. This week was super cool because I also received a copy of Douglas McNish's new raw recipe book. I am pretty stoked to try out a few recipes, and after flipping through it last night, it seems I am going to be spending A LOT of time in my kitchen with my food processor and mom's dehydrator. So many yummy recipes to choose from!! I am also pretty stoked to be heading to the official book launch next weekend at "EcoExistence", in celebration of "Eat Raw, Eat Well", as well as Earth Hour. Oh, and watch for Doug's appearance on Global's "The Morning Show" this coming Thursday as well!
And finally, I thought I would share a couple of cheese-ball photos with you all. As I have mentioned, I took part in an audition this past week to be a part of Booty Camp Fitness's next home DVD video shoot (in PANAMA!). My audition was on Thursday night, and I was required to supply an essay about my connection with Booty Camp Fit, as well as 2 photos of myself...one head shot, and one full body shot. Of course, I do not have any sort of portfolio as many professional fitness folks might, so I had to improvise...
After the show that day, I recruited cameraman Nick to be my photog, and we had a mini photo shoot right in the studio. I am sure he felt awkward and uncomfortable during the whole session, poor guy. But, the following images were what transpired, and I hope my goofiness in the first shot wasn't taken as a lack of professionalism!
As for the actual audition, well it was awesome! I got to work directly with Sammie Kennedy, CEO and founder of the camps, and Megan the VP was the other "judge". They were both totally sweet and friendly, and put both myself and the other potential recruit in the room with me right at ease from the start. After a short Q & A, Sammie put us through a vigorous mini workout to test our abilities when it comes to burpies (ouch!), push-ups, high knees, and squats. You name, we did it; it was like squeezing an hour long booty camp into a 5 minute session! Good times! I left feeling invigorated, excited, and thrilled to even just have the chance to give it my all. Now we play the waiting game...I should hear by early April if I made the cut. FINGERS CROSSED!!