The last time I saw my dad alive and alert was on April 23, 2011. My family had gathered at my sister's place in Milton for Easter brunch, and I arrived with Cava in hand, and fear in my heart. At that point, I can admit that I was not visiting mom and dad as often as I should have been. Dad's ALS was progressing quite rapidly, and I was in a massive state of my mind we would still have him for another year at least! My work schedule was going to allow me to spend the 2 months leading up to Christmas (this Christmas) living at home, getting in some real quality time. As much as I had convinced myself that dad was not going to leave us anytime soon, I was also completely terrified. Each time I visited, it was such a shock to see how much dad's appearance and demeanor would have changed since the last time, how much weight he had lost, how much more distant and worried that look in his eyes was becoming.
That's Daddy & I enjoying Easter bubbly.
Yes indeed, that Easter was a reality check. I was totally floored while watching my pops, his usually strong and athletic legs, now so skinny, pushing his walker around the house, a goofy smile on his unknowing face. It was after only about 3 hours, that I decided I needed to get out of there. I was wigging out. So I left.
I left, and felt terrible. My family was upset. They knew I should have been spending as much time as possible with dad, as that time was so, so precious. But he was just so weak...and it was once I left that I finally began to really know. And knowing was the scariest step in the process. It was one of the hardest days I ever had in dealing with dad's diagnosis...
The definition of the word "grace" is as follows:
1. elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action. 2. a pleasing or attractive quality or endowment.
3. favor or good will.
4. mercy; clemency; pardon: an act of grace
6. the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them.
3. favor or good will.
4. mercy; clemency; pardon: an act of grace
6. the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them.
I like the last two. However, if we were to refer to definition number one, on that day in Milton, I did not act with much grace at all. No, I acted in quite the opposite way, stumbling away from the challenge that was my family's reality, running from my fear, and then allowing the guilt to torment me wholly. And I couldn't go on like that anymore, I needed change.
It was on the Go bus ride back into the city that I officially decided on what my newest tattoo was to be. I want to live a deeper, more intensely graceful life, one filled with love, personal growth, and honest forgiveness. I have also experienced some real mercy from the universe, and it was the strength of spirit that allowed me to survive my darkest of days. So to sum up my new motto for living, the very next day I made it permanent with that one simple word. Close to my mind, close to my heart, and close to my soul. No more excuses, right?
Thank God I made it to the hospital. And thank God I was there for Easter brunch.